Sunday, October 26, 2014

Time Out

When I had my three biopsies the medical team would always stop right before they started the procedure to take a "time out."  They literally say "time out" and everyone in the room stops what they are doing and uses the break as an opportunity to make sure the patient and team performing the biopsy are prepared for the procedure. 

This blog post is my "Time Out" to provide an update.  

I finished my four rounds of TC chemo on October 6, praise God!!  It goes without saying that chemo is the most physically and emotionally grueling thing I have ever completed.  Last week (October 23-24) I had 2 long days at Duke that were filled with blood work, an MRI, a PET scan, and an echo.  The MRI and PET scan will determine if the tumors have shrunk.  If the tumors have not shrunk and if the lymph node tumor is still active, I will have to have a 3rd type of chemo.  That type of chemo is referred to as the "Red Devil" because its side effects are so intense and there is risk of damage to my heart.  I have an appointment tomorrow, October 27 to find out my results and "next steps."

The best result that can come out of tomorrow's appointment is for my Oncologist to tell me the tumors have shrunk and my lymph node activity has decreased.  If these things have happened, then I will be cleared for my double mastectomy.  (I tested positive for the BRCA2 gene, so I have to have a double mastectomy.)  If my PET scan results show that I still have "active" cancer cells in my lymph node then I will have more chemo.  The chemo is already scheduled for tomorrow just in case I need it to ensure I have a spot on the schedule.   The TC chemo has already damaged my body.  My veins aren't working  it takes multiple sticks to get a working vein  so I will need to get a Port if my chemo treatment continues. My body is tired and needs to heal.  I need my body to keep up with my brain.  My brain isn't tired, it's still going strong.  I need my body to catch up!  

I'm ready to go into surgery even though it's a big life changing surgery  surgery is closer to healing! It's time and I am ready.

Please pray for strength, trust, and surgery as the next step tomorrow.  


  1. On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.

  2. I saw the great news that you are cleared for surgery, Lori. Thank you as always for sharing this journey. Stay strong--you so clearly are!


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